How To Setup Google Ads Conversion Tracking

As you know why it is important to install Google Ads conversion tracking, let’s look into the part you are looking for from the start,  i.e. ‘Setting up Google Ads conversion tracking’.

Step 1: Create Your Conversion Action

Log into your Google Ads account and click on ‘Tools and Settings’.

Go to the ‘Conversions’ under the ‘Measurement’ section.

Step 1: Create Your Conversion Action

Here you will find an option of ‘New conversion action’, just click on it.

Usually, you can track conversions for websites, apps, and phone calls. Here we choose ‘Website’ as we need to track conversions from that.

Step 1: Create Your Conversion Action

Now Google Ads gives you an option to manually add your conversion action. With manual adding you can easily set the conversion action you want. For example, if you want to track ‘form sign-up’, just create a conversion action for the same.

It’s simple to add, just follow the prompts and you are almost there with creating the conversion action.

Step 2: Set Up Your Google Tag

Your next step is to set up your Google Tag. Which interface you will get is dependent on what state you are in: – If you successfully set up a Google tag and created your conversion action: you are good at tracking conversion. – If you haven’t set up a Google Tag, but created your conversion action: you will redirect to the Google Tag setup page as shown in the below screenshot. Here we choose the ‘Set up with a Google tag’ method.

Step 3: Test Your Google Tag

Go to your Google Ads account and go to ‘Conversions’ again. Here you will find the conversion action you have already created & ensure the status of your Google tag from there.

Step 4: Analyze Google Ads Conversion Data

Once you install Google Ads conversion tracking correctly, you can track and analyze conversion data. Make sure you have added the conversion source, conversion value, and cost per conversion value into the view.

Setup Google Ads Conversion Tracking with Conversios. Learn more by clicking the link here👇